Hendriks Greenhouses understands the importance of carbon footprints. This has inspired us create our All Green initiative.
Materials required to make and package this product are natural, sustainably sourced, recyclable or all of the above.
If your product came in a blue pot, that is called Closed Loop. These are 100% recyclable plant pots, and also made of 100% recycled plastic. Closed Loop means that this pot is made of plastics that come directly out of the recycle bin, and they can go back in the bin when you are finished with them.
What is PET?
PET is an abbreviation for the much longer term, polyethylene terephthalate; a polymer of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid.
Simply put, PET is the most common type of plastic resin. To create virgin PET, crude oil and natural gas is extracted from the Earth, then processed and heated to form a molten liquid. It is then molded and solidified into PET plastic containers.
PET is used to hold anything from your favourite salad dressing to your cleaning solutions, mouthwash, and probably a lot of items in your fridge including that yogurt cup. Store bought disposable water bottles as well.
Did you know that PET is considered a highly recyclable plastic? Used PET containers can be washed and re-melted into plasma, from which new items can be crafted. This is what we do to create the Closed Loop pots.
How good is recycling? It helps decrease the amount of plastic waste that enters landfills, which means less toxins leaching into the soil and water. Recycling has the ability to greatly decrease our resource extraction. Creating a plastic water bottle from 100% recycled content uses 75% less energy than its virgin counterpart.