Q: Where can we buy your products?
A: Hendriks Greenhouses supplies all local and major grocery and retail chains across Ontario, as well as Quebec. Please visit your local retailers to purchase our products.
Items vary by store.
Q: Can you buy them directly from the greenhouse?
A: Unfortunately no. We are a high volume wholesale company only and do not process individual sales for the general public.
Q: How do I take care of this?
A: Care tags are available with all of our products. Please refer to the care tag for instructions, or visit our website's care section for more information.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Hendriks is a proudly Canadian generational business located in Beamsville, ON Canada.
Q: Do you do any kind of fundraising?
A: Unfortunately no. We are a high volume wholesale company only and do not offer fundraising opportunities at this time.
Q: I have started a business/opened my own flower shop. How can I become a customer?
A: We are a high volume wholesale company and currently only work with distribution partners.
Q: Why are there slugs in my Hendriks planter?
A: Slugs are a natural part of plant life, outdoors as well as in greenhouse environments where your plant was grown. Damp, organic material provides the perfect hiding spot and attracts slugs. These hiding spots tend to be on the undersides of plant pots and small cavities in potting soil, as well as at root ball edges. Check the bases of the pots, including inside their drainage holes, and pick out the slugs to release them outside.